Instructions for on line shopping at KMTH.COM

When the Home Page opens, it is possible that a smaller window also opens telling you about the Shopping List. You close this window or minimize it for future reference. KMTH on line shopping mall is organized into Departments, Sub-Departments, Sections and Products. One can navigate through these steps or can use the Search facility provided at the top right of the shopping pages for locating a particular item and ordering it. It may be noted that the minimum value of an order should be Rs. 200/-, delivery address should be in Delhi only and there are no delivery charges except if the delivery address is different from the ordering address (payment collection address.)

For on line shopping following is the road map: -

a)      For selecting a Department, in which your product is likely to be available, click on it from the list on the left hand side of the Home Page.

b)      A page will be presented with a list of Sub-Departments on the left. For selecting a Sub-Department click on it from this list.

(On this page a Log In Button is displayed on the top bar. This may be ignored at this stage, except if you are corporate buyer and have already shopped at least once earlier.)

c)      A page will be presented with a list of Sections in the Sub-Department on the left. For selecting a Section, on which your products are likely to be lying, click on it from the list. On this Sections page, a list of products is already displayed. These are selected items from the Sub-Department that are being sold at special prices for the time being. You can start the process of buying from here itself. The procedure for buying will be similar to that as described for buying from the Section later on.

d)      A page will be presented with a list of Products on the Section. For selecting the products of your choice, click on the check boxes, Click to Select, provided with each one of them. You can select any number of products from a Section. On this page, above the products, all the Sections in the Sub-Department are given in horizontal rows. You can go to any Section by clicking on the name of that Section. Also, all the Department names are displayed vertically on the left. You can go to any Department by clicking on the Department name.

e)      On completing the selection of Products from a section, you must place the selected items in the Shopping Cart. For placing the selected products into the shopping cart, click the Click to Buy button provided at the top right of the page under the bar or at the bottom of the page.

f)        For modifying the quantities of the items, change the values of the items in the Shopping Cart and click the Update button. It will modify the quantities of each item for which new values had been entered by you on one click.

g)      For deleting items, in the Shopping Cart use the Remove button provided for each item individually.

h)      For shopping more items from the same Section (adding items), you must click on the Continue Shopping button provided above the Shopping Cart on the left hand side.

i)        For the purpose of shopping in other Departments a list of all the Departments has been given on the left hand side of the Shopping Cart page. Click on any of them and follow the method as given above. Similarly on each Sub-Department page all the Departments are shown at the top, below the bar. You can click on any of these. And finally on the Section page all the Sections of the Sub-Department are displayed above the section. You can click any of them and jump from section to another.

j)        After you have completed all your shopping you will be required to check out. For checking out click on the Check Out button provided above the Shopping Cart on the right hand side.

k)      When you click on the Check Out button you will be required to log in by providing all your details like Name, Address, Telephone No., E-Mail id, User Name, Password, etc. A page with a form will be presented which should be filled in. Keep note of the User Id and Password since the same will be required by you the next time you shop on KMTH.COM.

l)        Your order is not yet complete. For completing the order click the Complete Order button provided at the bottom of the Registration Page.

m)    In the new page your complete order is displayed. On this page you will be required to specify the mode of payment like cash, credit card etc. (The Food Coupon mode of payment is only for those who are employees of companies and their companies provide them with Food Coupons of Accor.) From this point also you can go back into the shopping mode for adding more items. List of Departments is displayed on this page also.

n)      For giving special instructions, like any particular date and time at which you would like the delivery or the delivery address is different from the Payment Address, we have provided a Remarks text box. You can type in the special instructions herein. Kindly note that, though our delivery is free of charge, for delivery address being different from payment address a charge of Rs. 30/- is levied.

o)      For completing the order, after completing the registration, click the Complete Order button. A Thank You page will appear.

For any questions or suggestions a Feed Back page has been provided which can be opened by clicking on Feed Back button on the Home Page.

For taking away hassles in repeated monthly purchasing, of selecting an item every time shopping is done, we have provided the feature of  My Shopping List. By using this feature you can create a shopping list and keep it on the site with a name given by you and can refer to it every time you want to shop. You only have to select items on that list, update the quantities and add more items, instead of selecting item by item as you did the first time. For more details click here-My shopping list